Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Why Buttons and Teapots?

... Because these are two of my favourite things in the world., and I happen to have collections of both.
Buttons – because they can be so simple and so pretty and so ornate and so useful and so frustrating and so decorative and yet are such a simple invention.  I have collected buttons for a long time (very slowly), but the process of finding the perfect button to complete a sewing project is definitely one of my favourite things to do! J
And as for teapots, it is another case of loving the simplicity of their design and their delicate proportions, and there is nothing like a good cup of tea to save my sanity on a rough day!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Hello and Welcome :-)

Hi and welcome to my blog.
My plan is to use this to give air to the random musing that wander through my brain from time to time.
I am currently a full-time domestic goddess (who has yet to master the art of actually keeping our home clean!).  This is about the tenth ‘career-path’ I have had the joy of following, but it is the one thing I always wanted to do.  You know how everyone asks you what you want to be when you grow up – well I had a different answer for almost every person who asked, but the one thing I always wanted to do was to have kids and be at home with them,  My precious husband works to support us, so although we currently lead a fairly simple life, it means that I can follow that dream and be present and support my kids as I have always wanted – and for that I will always be grateful.
Having said that, my mind is focussed on travelling today......
I spent a lovely hour skype-ing with a very dear friend yesterday.  She has been living and working in Canada, and is currently staying in Oklahoma, USA.  Before I met my husband, I spent just short of a year in North America – working for a season in the Santa Fe Ski Area, NM, then tripping around in my combi van for 6 months.  My trip took me through 19 states of the USA, and across Canada from Niagra Falls to Vancouver Island, with a couple of little jaunts down to Mexico – and just loved it!!  Less than four months after returning home, I met my husband and the focus of my life changed.  I have not been overseas or on any major trips since, and have been very happy with that choice.  Having said that, I do dream of being able to wander the world again.  Sometimes that pull is just a little tweak, but after our lovely conversation yesterday, that tweak has become and an enormous yearn.  I know that as we continue to build our business, there will be many opportunities in our future to travel and play.  We just need to work a little harder at bringing them sooner rather than later I think J